Sunday, August 22, 2010

A sample of some of my work...

My name is Achieng Onguru and without further ado, and because I know you're busy,I present some ideas I've been toying with. I looked at some ads I quite didn't like, and decided to add something to them and then a sample of a written piece i did. Enjoy!

Jacaranda Gardens Ad + Fair And Lovely Ad

Amarula World Cup Promo ad

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bata New Arrivals

Tropical Heat Ad

And this one's just for fun, lol!


Today I smiled as I saw things on the street that reminded me of my own life, my life is a cob-web of interrelated events that is too irritating to give an account of. It has literally taken me 22 years and a handful of threats from life to be able to sit back and look at things from the outside. But I still do not have a written as to why I bask in the struggle of going from knowing that I am adequate to believing it is actually enough to drive the whole world insane….. Several thoughts have occupied my mind, and I generally don’t have solutions to many of them. I just thought to share them out, and write them down. I try to write to make peace with the things I cannot connect in real life…
And then make a mockery of all the ones I can…. :-)

Indeed life can drag us into the vengeance of reality at a timeless speed that we cannot control, leaving us powerless as we look into the eyes of our destiny and fate. The realization of this hence, is the few moments which allow us to make any amends and carry on with our livelihood. Difficult as it may seem, there is indeed a task each one of us is made to fulfill in our time, it’s the discovery and embracing of the above that might offer the challenge. It’s a long route to Damascus when you accept that you have to travel there on a donkey, life does not always offer SUVs and Chevy’s at every juncture possible. We must see ourselves through to point B at whatever cost given the broad spectrum of expectations that society has already composed. How then do we fit ourselves into this achievement scorecard ever so easily without awakening the demons of anger/hatred/jealousy etc? The answer is never. And the reason remains forever silent.

Who gives credit to the people that follow their own dreams rather than the ones marked out for them? Who loves deeply when they haven’t ever experienced love before? Who speaks truth when they have only known tongue lashing and disrespect? Who overcomes their challenges and comes out a victor? Answer me this and I will tell you who you are. I will declare at this point that there is never any question in our time that is answered incorrectly as each one of us sees life and its components in a totally different light than the next person, this allows for diversity (and sometimes name calling). It is also possibly the meaning of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide (and vice versa for the plants reading this) Being alive is so much more than eating life with a big spoon, it is also the correspondence between what already was, what is now and what might come ahead of us and beyond our time. It might also be the attaining of self actualization, the discovering and developing of potential, or it can be getting the notification that you are now a Russian spy in the US of A. whatever tickles.

With a speed limit installed in our lives, we can only afford so much time in our discovery process. Such that beyond our time and age, what difference will we individually be acclaimed for? In due time will we be able to accept responsibility for our shortcomings? Those that might have slid and those that have cost other people one thing or the other? I do not know personally of any formula to the conquest of life, that is not my aim in writing this, but barely to get a medium point on what different people’s takes on life might be.

I am who I am, I accept the things that make me happy and I reject the ones that contradict my upbringing. I love to interact with people; I love to laugh and to cry. I accept that I may never be able to give a title and a limit to what I can do on this earth because there are just 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year. I do the best I can and I make no apologies for the torch I carry. I have sleepless nights and awkward days because I’m too busy tweeting and as I have recently discovered – micro blogging is the next best thing after listening to George W. Bush’s speeches. I listen to music with no words and still manage to sing along, I cook well and nobody ever manages to try it because I love my own cooking too much to leave any stone unturned, I sometimes respond to friend requests from “people I may not know” just so I can laugh at their middle names….i don’t know…as much as we think we know ourselves through and through, in the long run the question still remains un answered : who am I? What does it mean to be alive? And in the vast infinity of time, how do I matter?